Having read many books on the basics of programming, building up queries and the basics of design, I have found that almost none really talk about how to deal with designing code outside abstract forms. Most books present design in a high level, possibly where a UML is shown and revolves around most of the OOP connections. Some talk over how to use design patterns or create data structures of various types. All seem to be under the illusion that, we as programmers actually can apply abstract concepts into real every day practical methodologies. Almost always they use things like animals or shapes or other "simple" (but not practical) OOP examples. They are always well designed, and seem relatively simple. In spite of that, I think I have learned how to do proper design to some degree by years of trial and error.
Refactoring, on the other hand starts out with a highly simple, yet more real world, movie system, and then slowly but surely unwraps the design over 50 pages. It is one of the most wonderful sets of “this code works, but let us make it better” I have ever seen, and it is dead simple in implementation. The book starts with a few classes, including a method to render to a console. Then blow by blow, the shows differences via a bolding of each change. The book talks design choices like how having a rendering method that contains what most would call “business logic” prevents you from easily having multiple methods of rendering (I.E. Console and html) without duplicate code. They also make a somewhat convincing argument against temporary variables, although I am not 100% convinced. Their reasoning is that it is harder to refactor with temp. variables, but sometimes temp variables (in my opinion) can provide clarity, not to mention they tend to show up in debugger watch windows. To be fair, later on, the author notes that adding back in temporary variables for clarity, but it is not emphasized nearly as much.
As I continued through the book, a second and important point was brought up. Refactoring requires reasonable amounts of unit testing in order to ensure that you do not accidentally break the system by the redesign. The argument continues that all coding falls into two categories. One is creating new functionality and the other is refactoring. When creating the initial code, you need testing around it, which connects into the TDD. The point is to be careful with refactors because they can cause instability, and to work slowly in the refactoring. They talk about constantly hitting the compile button just to be sure you have not screwed something up.
Sometimes, it is comforting to know that I am not the only one who runs into some types of trouble. One of my favorite statements in the book is in chapter 7 where the author notes after 10+ years of OOP, he still gets the placement of responsibilities in classes wrong. This to me is perhaps the entire key to refactoring. The point is, we as humans are flawed, even if we are all flawed in unique ways; it is something we have in common. This book, in my opinion is not ultimately how to correctly design, but how to deal with the mess that you will inevitably make. This is so important I think it bears repeating; this book says that no one is smart enough to build the correct software the first time. Instead, it says that you must bravely push on with your current understanding and then, when you finally do have something of a concept of what you are doing, go back and refactor the work that you just created. That is hard to put into practice, since you just got it working, and now you have to go tear it up and build again. The beauty of the refactor is that you don’t have to go it alone, you have techniques that allow you to make wise choices on what the change and the changes should have no affect on the final product.
One final thing I think is worth mentioning. The way the book is laid out, you can easily re-visit any given refactoring technique that you didn’t “get” the first time, as it is fairly rationally structured, grouping refactors together but keeping each refactor individualized. It makes me wonder how many times they refactored the book before they felt they had it right?
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